Documents for German citizenship application (Scott's Version)
Oct 27, 2024
2 min read
Scott Hanson
I have an appointment in a few days to submit my German citizenship application and supporting documents. Some people might be interested in the list of papers I was asked to submit. There are some caveats:
- This list from my own local migration office (Landkreis Harburg), other offices may have different specific requirements
- I told them in advance that I was self-employed. Proof of income for an employee might be different.
- The documents should be originals or certified copies
- Documents not in German should be accompanied by a German translation
- The office asked to have all documents submitted at once together with the application
Here's the list (the poor English translation is mine).
- ID papers: passport, visa (Ausweispapiere: Pass, Aufenthaltstitel)
- Handwritten, detailed, non-tabular CV (handschriftlicher, ausführlicher, nicht tabellarischer Lebenslauf)
- Current photo (Lichtbild)
- Birth certificate, birth certificates of children (Geburtsurkunde, Geburtsurkunden der Kinder)
- Marriage certificate current marriage (Heiratsurkunde jetzige Ehe)
- Marriage certificate of previous marriage and divorce decree (Heiratsurkunde früherer Ehe und Scheidungsurteil)
- Income tax statements, latest and second to last (Einkommensteuerbescheide, letzter und vorletzter)
- Financial statement if self-employed (Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswertung bei Selbständigen)
- Proof of health and long-term care insurance (Nachweise Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung)
- Proof of pension (Nachweis Altersversicherung: Versicherungsverlauf der Deutschen Rentenversicherung)
- Proof of passed citizenship test (Nachweis über die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einem Einbürgerungstest)
- Proof of German language skills (Nachweis über Sprachkenntnisse: Zertifikat Deutsch Stufe B1, Hauptschulabschluss, Studium, oder Berufsausbildung)