Documents for German citizenship application (Scott's Version)

Oct 27, 2024

2 min read

Scott Hanson

I have an appointment in a few days to submit my German citizenship application and supporting documents. Some people might be interested in the list of papers I was asked to submit. There are some caveats:

  • This list from my own local migration office (Landkreis Harburg), other offices may have different specific requirements
  • I told them in advance that I was self-employed. Proof of income for an employee might be different.
  • The documents should be originals or certified copies
  • Documents not in German should be accompanied by a German translation
  • The office asked to have all documents submitted at once together with the application

Here's the list (the poor English translation is mine).

  1. ID papers: passport, visa (Ausweispapiere: Pass, Aufenthaltstitel)
  2. Handwritten, detailed, non-tabular CV (handschriftlicher, ausführlicher, nicht tabellarischer Lebenslauf)
  3. Current photo (Lichtbild)
  4. Birth certificate, birth certificates of children (Geburtsurkunde, Geburtsurkunden der Kinder)
  5. Marriage certificate current marriage (Heiratsurkunde jetzige Ehe)
  6. Marriage certificate of previous marriage and divorce decree (Heiratsurkunde früherer Ehe und Scheidungsurteil)
  7. Income tax statements, latest and second to last (Einkommensteuerbescheide, letzter und vorletzter)
  8. Financial statement if self-employed (Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswertung bei Selbständigen)
  9. Proof of health and long-term care insurance (Nachweise Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung)
  10. Proof of pension (Nachweis Altersversicherung: Versicherungsverlauf der Deutschen Rentenversicherung)
  11. Proof of passed citizenship test (Nachweis über die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einem Einbürgerungstest)
  12. Proof of German language skills (Nachweis über Sprachkenntnisse: Zertifikat Deutsch Stufe B1, Hauptschulabschluss, Studium, oder Berufsausbildung)